It took very little time to pull that together but getting it to be configurable by other people on various different devices was a nightmare.
The answers I came up with in the end were much simpler than anything else I tried.
If anyone wants to take a look at it, there is an spk at
The code looks like
//global var lastMinute; var granularity = app.LoadNumber("granularity", 99); var alarmHour = app.LoadNumber("alarmHour", 99); var alarmMin = app.LoadNumber("alarmMin", 0); var alarmOn = app.LoadBoolean("alarmOn", false); var timout;// for use with clearTimeout //Called when application is started function OnStart() { app.EnableBackKey(false); //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", "VCenter,FillX"); // add top bar lay_bar = app.CreateLayout("Linear", "Horizontal,Left, FillX"); lay_bar.SetBackColor("#222222"); speakTxt = app.CreateText(gran_message(granularity)); speakTxt.SetTextSize(16); speakTxt.SetTextColor("#00ffff"); speakTxt.SetPadding(0.01, 0, 0.01, 0); speakTxt.SetOnTouchUp(speakTxt_OnTouchUp); lay_bar.AddChild(speakTxt); msgTxt = app.CreateText("Alarm time"); msgTxt.SetTextSize(16); // msgTxt.SetTextColor( "#ff00ff" ); msgTxt.SetPadding(0.01, 0, 0.01, 0); lay_bar.AddChild(msgTxt); txtAlarm = app.CreateText(populate_alarm()); txtAlarm.SetTextSize(16); txtAlarm.SetTextColor("#ffff00"); txtAlarm.SetPadding(0.01, 0, 0.01, 0); txtAlarm.SetOnTouchUp(txtAlarm_OnTouchUp); lay_bar.AddChild(txtAlarm); chkAlarm = app.CreateCheckBox("Alarm on"); chkAlarm.SetChecked(alarmOn); lay_bar.AddChild(chkAlarm); lay.AddChild(lay_bar); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt = app.CreateText(""); txt.SetTextSize(64); lay.AddChild(txt); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout(lay); pause = createAskDialog(); displayTime(); } function displayTime() { var d = new Date(); var minute = d.getMinutes(); //if no change, do nothing if (minute != lastMinute) { var hr = d.getHours(); var min = (("0" + minute).slice(-2)); txt.SetText(hr + ":" + min); //speak as often as required if ((granularity < 61) && (minute % granularity == 0)) { app.TextToSpeech(hr + ". " + min); } lastMinute = minute; if ((chkAlarm.GetChecked()) && (minute == alarmMin) && (hr == alarmHour)) { app.TextToSpeech("Alarm sounding"); } } setTimeout(displayTime, 3000); } function speakTxt_OnTouchUp() { //lstGran.SetVisibility("Show"); switch (granularity){ case 99: granularity=1;break; case 1: granularity=5;break; case 5: granularity=15;break; case 15: granularity=30;break; case 30: granularity=60;break; case 60: granularity=99;break; } speakTxt.SetText(gran_message(granularity)); } function gran_message() { switch (granularity) { case 60: return "Speak every hour"; break; case 30: return "Speak at 30 mins"; break; case 15: return "Speak at 15 mins"; break; case 5: return "Speak at 5 mins"; break; case 1: return "Speak every minute"; break; case 99: return "No speech"; break; } } ////// function populate_alarm() { if (alarmHour > 24) { var d = new Date(); alarmHour = d.getHours(); alarmMin = d.getMinutes(); } return alarmHour + ":" + (("0" + alarmMin).slice(-2)); } function txtAlarm_OnTouchUp() { ask("Type a time (hh:mm)", txtAlarm.GetText()); } function OnBack() { //save current settings app.SaveNumber("granularity", granularity); app.SaveNumber("alarmHour", alarmHour); app.SaveNumber("alarmMin", alarmMin); app.SaveBoolean("alarmOn", chkAlarm.GetChecked()); //only exit if user presses Back again //within 4 seconds doubleBackKeyExit(4000); } function doubleBackKeyExit(millisecs) { app.EnableBackKey(true); app.ShowPopup("Press Back again to exit", "Bottom"); setTimeout(disableBackKey, millisecs); } function disableBackKey() { app.EnableBackKey(false); } //Called when user touches Ok button. function btnAskOk_OnTouch(){ tmp = edtAsk.GetText().split( ":"); if( tmp.length == 2 ){ tmphr = parseInt((tmp[0]).trim()); tmpmin = parseInt((tmp[1]).trim()); if( isFinite(tmphr) && isFinite(tmpmin) && (tmphr > -1) && (tmphr < 24) && (tmpmin > -1) && (tmpmin < 60) ){ alarmHour = tmphr; alarmMin = tmpmin; txtAlarm.SetText(populate_alarm()); } } unAsk(); } ///////// //ask functionality function createAskDialog( ){ //Create a layout for Ask dialog layAsk = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "FillXY" ); layAsk.SetPadding( 0, 0.1, 0, 0 ); layAsk.SetBackColor( "#dd008800" ); layAsk.SetPosition(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5); layAsk.SetVisibility( "Hide" ); txtAsk = app.CreateText(""); layAsk.AddChild(txtAsk); txtAsk.SetTextSize(12); txtAsk.SetMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0.05 ); edtAsk = app.CreateTextEdit(""); edtAsk.SetMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0.05 ) layAsk.AddChild(edtAsk); //Create button and add to layout. btnAskOk = app.CreateButton( "Ok", 0.3, 0.06, "gray" ); btnAskOk.SetOnTouch( btnAskOk_OnTouch ); layAsk.AddChild( btnAskOk ); app.AddLayout(layAsk); return true; } function ask(msg, dflt){ //open dialog txtAsk.SetText( msg ); edtAsk.SetText( dflt ); layAsk.Animate("SlideFromTop"); } function unAsk(){ //close dialog app.HideKeyboard();//just in case layAsk.Animate("SlideToTop"); } ////////
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