There's nothing much to it at the moment but I thought I'd share it in case it's some help to somebody.
I hope that one day it may become the basis of a tutorial but obviously there's quite a way to go.
So far, I've only tested it on a Tesco hudl tablet but I'm reasonably happy with it so far.
The spk with the minimal code I have at the moment is available at
In text form, it looks like this
//Simple file explorer by Steve Garman var basePath = "/sdcard" //Called when application is started. function OnStart() { //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Vertical,FillXY" ); //Create a text label and add it to layout. currPath = app.CreateText( basePath ); lay.AddChild( currPath ); //Get list of files in current path into an array filelist = app.ListFolder( currPath.GetText()).split(","); filelist.sort(); //use array to populate detail list detail = app.CreateList( filelist ); detail.SetOnTouch( detailTouch); lay.AddChild( detail ); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); //make back key available for use app.EnableBackKey( false ); } function populate_detail(){ //called whenever current path changed filelist = app.ListFolder( currPath.GetText() ).split(",") ; filelist.sort(); detail.SetList(filelist.join(","),","); } function detailTouch(name){ //user has touched a name in detail list var fullPath = currPath.GetText() + "/" + name if( testFolder(fullPath) ){ //it's a folder with files //show it currPath.SetText( fullPath ); populate_detail(); } else{ deal_with_file( fullPath ); } } function testFolder( fullPath ){ //no proper test for folders //in this app, it's safe to treat an empty folder like a file var tst = app.ListFolder( fullPath ); if( tst.length > 0 ) return true; else return false; }; function deal_with_file( fullpath ){ app.ShowPopup("No action defined for " + fullpath); } function OnBack(){ //user pressed back key var tmp = currPath.GetText(); if( tmp == basePath ) app.Exit(); else { //not yet back at beginning //move up one level var tst = currPath.GetText().split("/"); tmp = tst.pop(); currPath.SetText( tst.join("/") ); populate_detail(); } }
If you want to prove it's looking at the actual files, the following minor change to the deal_with_file function will attempt to display any .txt or .js file you select.
ReplyDeletefunction deal_with_file( fullpath ){
if( fullpath.indexOf(".js" ) >= 0 ||
fullpath.indexOf(".txt" ) >= 0 )
alert (app.ReadFile(fullpath));
else app.ShowPopup("No action defined for " + fullpath);